A new Japanese fine dining restaurant "Fukudaya" produced by Abitech Japan Corporation opened in Manila city BGC.

Grand Opening was featured in local media "Primer" (the article here)

The “Aizu Wakamatsu Solar Power Station” and “Tamura Solar Power Station”, which we have been producing comprehensively since 2012, have been put into operation (2014).

The business processes we worked on in this project are as follows.

1. Approach (introduction) to owner (business owner)
2. Business planning (financing-construction / formulation of operation plan)
3. Selection of manufacturer and foundation contractor (evaluation / assessment of mutual
4. Coordinate the relationship between the manufacturer and the foundation contractor
5. Help in making application documents
6. Adjustment of payment method between manufacturer and owner
7. Advice on PR activities to the owner
8. Attendance of confirmation of delivery completion

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